Think Big and Achieve Big

Think Big and Achieve Big


Today’s topic is “Think Big and Achieve Big.” So, my dear friends, broaden your mindset, only then will you be able to achieve success. If you expand your thinking, you will reach your goals. If you want to achieve your goals, think big. When you broaden your thinking, you will undoubtedly become successful in your life. Those who have the hunger to achieve, who have a large vision, are the ones who make a mark. They become successful. They prove wrong those who said they couldn’t achieve anything, those who doubted their intelligence. They show them that they are no less than anyone else.

Examples of Successful Persons

  • If Steve Jobs hadn’t thought of becoming the owner of Apple, would he have become one? No.
  • If Edmund Hillary hadn’t thought of climbing Mount Everest, would he have managed to do it? No.
  • If Steve Jobs and Edmund Hillary didn’t have such grand visions, they wouldn’t have achieved what they did. If Bill Gates hadn’t envisioned becoming the richest person in the world, would he have achieved it? No.

Hunger for Success

These people are successful in their lives because of what they had within them. They had the hunger to achieve something, and their vision was big. That’s why they were able to become successful. So friends, broaden your mindset if you want to be successful. Think big if you want to achieve something big.

Views of Dr. APJ Abdul Kalam

Now, some of you might be thinking that you just need to broaden your mindset and create a grand illusion to become successful. Think big and you’ll become a billionaire? No, I am not saying that. Some people broaden their mindset, create a grand illusion, but when it comes to working on it, no one does anything. When it comes to putting in the hard work, no one does it.

Dr. APJ Abdul Kalam Sir also said that people dream big, but when it comes to working on those dreams, no one does it. So friends, if you want to achieve your goals, start working hard on them from today. Only then will you be able to become successful in your life. If your goal is clear, you can reach it very easily.

Forgetting Failures

You need to forget your failures, the ones that lowered your thinking. When a teacher gave you bad marks and said, “You cannot achieve your goal,” you need to forget that. If just a teacher’s words lowered your confidence and thinking, never forget that you are the BEST.

When you first stepped on stage and people started making fun of you, and you accepted that you couldn’t do it right away, your confidence level dropped.

When you have clarified your goal and decided to become something, and someone asks you what you want to become, and when they say middle-class families’ dreams never come true, you need to show them, prove to those who lowered your confidence and your thinking, that they were wrong.

Bill Gates Real Incident

When Bill Gates was studying and taking exams, he would only get passing marks. But when he worked, he gave his all to it. He put in complete hard work and full concentration. That’s why today, we see he is the richest person in the world. When he worked, he even forgot to eat. He forgot to put on and take off his shoes. His focus was entirely on his work.


We need to broaden our thinking and show those who said we couldn’t achieve anything. So friends, expand your mindset, and you will soon become successful.

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