Art of Business

Art of Business


Hello my dear friends, I am Mohit Sidana. Today, I am going to talk to you about “Art of Business.” I don’t believe that true business education can be taught in a school. The business education you get in school is merely theoretical. It can show you the path but cannot provide practical experience. Real business education can only be taught by a business teacher who has risen from the ground to great heights, someone who has gone from zero to hero, someone who has built a large company from scratch. Only such a person can teach you the true art of business and the rules that govern it. I often notice that people tend to associate with others who are like them. The poor stick with the poor, the rich with the rich, and the middle class with the middle class. Why not form friendships with wealthy people so that you too can become wealthy? Some might say it is impossible because millions of people work with their bosses day and night but never become rich or good businessmen. Their focus is solely on their monthly salary. They do their job, but their focus remains on the paycheck. How many businesspeople are there whose focus is not on their salary but on learning the business? Very few, a rare breed indeed. Why not learn the rules of business while working with your boss? Some people are so attentive to even the smallest details about their boss that the boss completely depends on them. These highly capable individuals often remain employees and never become businessmen because their mindset doesn’t extend to becoming a business owner; it remains confined to being a worker.

Why Don’t You Become Rich?

Some people have all the opportunities and experience, yet they don’t become rich or achieve anything significant in life. What’s missing? The only thing lacking is their mindset. Their thinking never reaches the level of a businessman. Remember this: “Even if you get a job in the biggest company, you will never become a businessman. You have to dive into the sea of business and learn the art of making money with money.” If you work for someone else, you make them rich, but if someone works for you, they make you rich.

Financial Education

Now, let’s talk about financial education. The most crucial thing for doing business is financial education. No matter how much education or knowledge you give your children, if their financial education is weak, their life’s journey can derail at any moment. Therefore, ensure your children receive financial education. So, what is financial education? Financial education means learning to make money work for you instead of working for money. If you grasp this concept, you will become wealthy by having others work for you. If you don’t, you will continue working for others and making them rich. Therefore, provide your children with financial education. Parents who have built a large company or know how to do business should definitely teach their children the rules of business. Parents who don’t know how to start a business should let their children learn from a businessman, not for the sake of a job but to learn business. If they go to learn business, they will come back as businessmen.

The Art of Selling

Now, I am going to share a secret with you. Pay close attention: it’s the art of selling. Anyone who masters the art of selling can sell even trash at the price of gold.

Example of a Salesman

Let me give you an example. Once, a businessman ordered his factory to make rakhi in every color. When all the rakhis were made, he realized that no sister would buy a black rakhi for her brother. Indeed, all the rakhis were sold except for the black ones. The stock of black rakhis remained unsold. The next year, during the rakhi festival, the businessman hired a new sales manager. He instructed him not to make black rakhis because none were sold last year. The sales manager responded, “The issue is not with the black rakhi but with the art of selling. If someone masters the art of selling, they can sell trash for the price of gold.” The businessman didn’t understand at first but had heard great things about the sales manager. So, he trusted him. The sales manager promised to sell the previous stock of black rakhis. And he did. He announced everywhere that this year’s rakhi is heavy for brothers, so sisters should tie black rakhis to their brothers to reduce their suffering. This announcement reached many people, and all the sisters bought black rakhis for their brothers. Not only did the salesman sell all the black rakhis, but he also sold them at double or triple the price. This is the art of business, which the sales manager possessed. The businessman earned millions because of the salesman’s cunning. If you inform people about your product, it will sell immediately. The question is not how good your product is but whether you have the art of selling it. Here’s another secret: you are a born salesman.

You Are a Born Businessman

The art of doing business is inherent in you from childhood. Have you noticed how a child goes to their father if they want something? If the father refuses, they go to their mother, then to their grandparents, siblings, and even neighbors until they get what they want. But as the child grows older, they develop hesitation. They begin to consider themselves too grown-up and start stifling their dreams, forgetting that the key rule of business is to consider customers important and yourself insignificant.


So, friends, I hope that whatever business you undertake, you become successful. Just remember to value your customers more than yourself and understand the importance of financial education.

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